gwalior kota direct Train No 99955

This article contains information about gwalior kota direct train route, gwalior kota direct train time table, gwalior kota direct train schedule, gwalior kota direct coach position, 99955 train route, 99955 train time table, 99955 train schedule, 99955 coach position, 99955 Stations, 99955 platform number, 99955 train platform. Also you will know train route from Gwalior to Kota, train schedule from Gwalior to Kota, train time table from Gwalior to Kota.


gwalior kota direct

gwalior kota direct Train Number 99955 from Gwalior NG to Kota Junction is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 18 halts. 97 intermediate Stations between Gwalior NG and Kota Junction Covering a total distance of 809 km in 13h 34m time. The Departure time of gwalior kota direct from Gwalior NG is 06:25 and arrival time at Kota Junction is 19:59. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Gwalior NG station and Platform Number -- at Kota Junction.

Schedule of gwalior kota direct

From: GWO Gwalior NG
To: KOTA Kota Junction
Departs @ 06:25
Arrive @ 19:59
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Travel Time: 13h 34m
18 halts
Distance: 809 km
Avg Speed: 60 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of gwalior kota direct

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1GWO Gwalior NG 06:25--10.09213mNCRGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
2GOPA Ghosipura 06:4606:4711m13.315234mNCRGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
3MTJL Motijheel 07:0507:06--1m17.920210mNCRGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
4SKU Sikroda 09:2709:2811m154.419184mNCRMorena(0753-2226392), Madhya Pradesh
5BHAT Bhatpura 09:3909:4011m157.929186mNCRState Highway 2, Madhya Pradesh
6KQS Kailaras 10:0510:0611m170.020193mNCRKailaras, Madhya Pradesh
7SYF Semai 10:3610:3711m180.222194mNCRState Highway 2, Madhya Pradesh
8PPCK Pipalwali Chowk 10:5210:5311m185.823197mNCRPipalwali Chowk, Madhya Pradesh
9SBL Sabalgarh 11:1011:20110m192.422207mNCRSabalgarh, Madhya Pradesh
10BIB Birpur 12:4512:4611m1124.121220mNCRState Highway 2, Rajasthan
11SPRA Sillipur 13:2513:2611m1138.124219mNCRState Highway 2, Rajasthan
12IKD Ikdori 13:4913:5011m1147.323213mNCRState Highway 2, Madhya Pradesh
13TKLN Tarrakalan 14:1314:1411m1156.225220mNCRTarrakalan, Madhya Pradesh
14SEX Seroni Road 14:2614:2711m1161.221228mNCRState Highway 23, Madhya Pradesh
15KJP Khojipura 14:3914:4011m1165.418226mNCRKhojeepura, Madhya Pradesh
16DURP Durgapuri 15:0715:0811m1173.514226mNCRKhojeepura, Madhya Pradesh
17GIW Girdharpur 15:1915:2011m1176.128228mNCRState Highway 6, Rajasthan
18DTQ Datarda Kalan 15:4815:49--1m1189.416220mNCRState Highway 6, Madhya Pradesh
19SOE Sheopur Kalan 16:2500:011456m1198.9-151231mNCRSheopur, Madhya Pradesh
20KOTA Kota Junction 19:5920:00--1m1809.2-256mWCR324001, Rajasthan

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of gwalior kota direct

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Gwalior NG to Kota Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Train From Gwalior to Kota

gwalior kota direct Train Number 99955 runs in Gwalior to Kota Route. Above is the complete details about 99955 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.