Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special Train No 03572

This article contains information about Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special train route, Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special train time table, Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special train schedule, Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special coach position, 03572 train route, 03572 train time table, 03572 train schedule, 03572 coach position, 03572 Stations, 03572 platform number, 03572 train platform. Also you will know train route from Mokama to Kiul, train schedule from Mokama to Kiul, train time table from Mokama to Kiul.


Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special

Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special Train Number 03572 from Mokama to Kiul Junction is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 6 halts. 11 intermediate Stations between Mokama and Kiul Junction Covering a total distance of 34 km in 1h 15m time. The Departure time of Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special from Mokama is 04:30 and arrival time at Kiul Junction is 05:45. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Mokama station and Platform Number -- at Kiul Junction.

Schedule of Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special

From: MKA Mokama
To: KIUL Kiul Junction
Departs @ 04:30
Arrive @ 05:45
Platform --
Platform --
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 1h 15m
6 halts
Distance: 34 km
Avg Speed: 27 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1MKA Mokama 04:30--10.02748mECRPatna, Bihar
2TALL Tall Junction 04:4004:42--2m14.45544mECRTal, Bihar
3HTZ Hathidah Junction 04:4604:48--2m18.14150mECRMusahari, Bihar
4RDUM Rampur Dumra Junction 04:5404:56--2m112.25646mECRNational Highway 80, Bihar
5BRYA Barhiya 05:0205:04--2m117.85747mECRBarahiya, Bihar
6MKB Mankatha 05:1405:16--2m127.25647mECRNational Highway 80, Bihar
7LKR Luckeesarai Junction 05:2205:24--2m132.8452mECRLakhisarai, Bihar
8KIUL Kiul Junction 05:45--134.2-54mECRDist. Lakhisarai, Bihar

Alternate Trains of Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12318Akal Takht Express xxTxxFx
13006Amritsar - Howrah (Punjab) Mail SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Mokama to Kiul Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12317Akal Takht Express SxxWxxx
13049Howrah-Amritsar Express SMTWTFS
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special


Train From Mokama to Kiul

Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special Train Number 03572 runs in Mokama to Kiul Route. Above is the complete details about 03572 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special Stations, Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special platform number, Mokama - Kiul Shravani Mela special train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.