Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special Train No 05183

This article contains information about Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special train route, Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special train time table, Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special train schedule, Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special coach position, 05183 train route, 05183 train time table, 05183 train schedule, 05183 coach position, 05183 Stations, 05183 platform number, 05183 train platform. Also you will know train route from Jhansi to Chitrakutdham, train schedule from Jhansi to Chitrakutdham, train time table from Jhansi to Chitrakutdham.


Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special

Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special Train Number 05183 from Jhansi Junction to Chitrakutdham Karwi is a Passenger train belonging to Indian Railways in NCR/North Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 4 halts. 25 intermediate Stations between Jhansi Junction and Chitrakutdham Karwi Covering a total distance of 260 km in 6h 40m time. The Departure time of Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special from Jhansi Junction is 14:30 and arrival time at Chitrakutdham Karwi is 21:10. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Jhansi Junction station and Platform Number -- at Chitrakutdham Karwi.

Schedule of Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special

From: JHS Jhansi Junction
To: CKTD Chitrakutdham Karwi
Departs @ 14:30
Arrive @ 21:10
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Passenger
Zone:NCR/North Central
Travel Time: 6h 40m
4 halts
Distance: 260 km
Avg Speed: 39 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1JHS Jhansi Junction 14:30--10.036259mNCRJhansi (Jn Point :BNDA/CNB/BINA/GWL), Uttar Pradesh
2MGRR Magarpur 15:2915:3011m135.250241mNCRMau Ranipur, Uttar Pradesh
3GTI Ghutai 16:4316:4411m195.851196mNCRKulpahar Sub District, Uttar Pradesh
4CRC Charkhari Road 17:2117:2211m1127.151201mNCRCharkhari, Uttar Pradesh
5BPRA Baripura 17:4617:47--1m1147.733177mNCRNational Highway 86, Uttar Pradesh
6CKTD Chitrakutdham Karwi 21:10--1260.1-142mNCRChitrakoot Karvi, Uttar Pradesh

Alternate Trains of Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
22129Tulsi Express SxTxxxx
11107Bundelkhand Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Jhansi Junction to Chitrakutdham Karwi

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11108Bundelkhand Express SMTWTFS
12175Chambal Express SxTWxxx
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special

Train From Jhansi to Chitrakutdham

Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special Train Number 05183 runs in Jhansi to Chitrakutdham Route. Above is the complete details about 05183 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special Stations, Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special platform number, Jhansi - Chitrakoot Mela Special train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.