Bilaspur Gevra MEMU Train No 366

This article contains information about Bilaspur Gevra MEMU train route, Bilaspur Gevra MEMU train time table, Bilaspur Gevra MEMU train schedule, Bilaspur Gevra MEMU coach position, 366 train route, 366 train time table, 366 train schedule, 366 coach position, 366 Stations, 366 platform number, 366 train platform. Also you will know train route from Bilaspur to Gevra, train schedule from Bilaspur to Gevra, train time table from Bilaspur to Gevra.


Bilaspur Gevra MEMU

Bilaspur Gevra MEMU Train Number 366 from Bilaspur Junction to Gevra Road is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 13 halts. 16 intermediate Stations between Bilaspur Junction and Gevra Road Covering a total distance of 98 km in 2h 25m time. The Departure time of Bilaspur Gevra MEMU from Bilaspur Junction is 18:30 and arrival time at Gevra Road is 20:55. It usually comes on Platform Number 7 at Bilaspur Junction station and Platform Number 1 at Gevra Road.

Schedule of Bilaspur Gevra MEMU

From: BSP Bilaspur Junction
To: GAD Gevra Road
Departs @ 18:30
Arrive @ 20:55
Platform 7
Platform 1
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 2h 25m
13 halts
Distance: 98 km
Avg Speed: 40 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Bilaspur Gevra MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1BSP Bilaspur Junction 18:30710.052272mSECRBilaspur, Chhattisgarh
2GTW Gatora 18:3718:39--2m16.077265mSECRBilaspur, Chhattisgarh
3JRMG Jairamnagar 18:4518:47--2m113.770271mSECRNational Highway 200, Chhattisgarh
4KTSH Kotmi Sonar Halt 18:5318:54--1m120.792267mSECRKotmisunar, Chhattisgarh
5AKT Akaltara 18:5819:00--2m126.857283mSECRDist. Janjgir Champa, Chhattisgarh
6KPNA Kapan 19:0819:09--1m134.563263mSECRNational Highway 200, Chhattisgarh
7NIA Janjgir Naila 19:1619:18--2m141.838273mSECRJanjgir, Chhattisgarh
8CPH Champa Junction 19:3519:40--5m152.668264mSECRChampa - 495671, Chhattisgarh
9BPRH Balpur Halt 19:4719:49--2m160.560270mSECRUmreli, Chhattisgarh
10KTHD Kothari Road 19:5319:55--2m164.544269mSECRKothari, Chhattisgarh
11MWRN Madwarani 20:0120:03--2m168.959273mSECRJanjgir-Champa, Chhattisgarh
12SRBA Saragbundia 20:0920:11--2m174.862295mSECRJanjgir-Champa, Chhattisgarh
13URGA Urga 20:1720:19--2m181.047292mSECRpin - 495677, Chhattisgarh
14KRBA Korba 20:3020:35--5m189.624287mSECRKorba, Chhattisgarh
15GAD Gevra Road 20:551197.5-299mSECRDist - Korba, Chhattisgarh

Alternate Trains of Bilaspur Gevra MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
362SBRaipur Gevra Passenger SMTWTFS
58210Bilaspur - Gevra Road Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Bilaspur Junction to Gevra Road

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18239Shivnath Express SMTWTFS
58203Gevra Road - Raipur Passenger SMTWTFS
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Bilaspur Gevra MEMU

Train From Bilaspur to Gevra

Bilaspur Gevra MEMU Train Number 366 runs in Bilaspur to Gevra Route. Above is the complete details about 366 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Bilaspur Gevra MEMU Stations, Bilaspur Gevra MEMU platform number, Bilaspur Gevra MEMU train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.