Nangaldam Ambala MEMU Train No 64518

This article contains information about Nangaldam Ambala MEMU train route, Nangaldam Ambala MEMU train time table, Nangaldam Ambala MEMU train schedule, Nangaldam Ambala MEMU coach position, 64518 train route, 64518 train time table, 64518 train schedule, 64518 coach position, 64518 Stations, 64518 platform number, 64518 train platform. Also you will know train route from Nangal to Ambala, train schedule from Nangal to Ambala, train time table from Nangal to Ambala.


Nangaldam Ambala MEMU

Nangaldam Ambala MEMU Train Number 64518 from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cantt. Junction is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in NR/Northern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 18 halts. 20 intermediate Stations between Nangal Dam and Ambala Cantt. Junction Covering a total distance of 158 km in 4h 15m time. The Departure time of Nangaldam Ambala MEMU from Nangal Dam is 16:50 and arrival time at Ambala Cantt. Junction is 21:05 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Nangal Dam station and Platform Number 6 at Ambala Cantt. Junction.

Schedule of Nangaldam Ambala MEMU

From: NLDM Nangal Dam
To: UMB Ambala Cantt. Junction
Departs @ 16:50
Arrive @ 21:05
Platform --
Platform 6
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 4h 15m
18 halts
Distance: 158 km
Avg Speed: 37 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Nangaldam Ambala MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NLDM Nangal Dam 16:50--10.061355mNRNangal, Punjab
2ANSB Anandpur Sahib 17:1017:1212m120.359297mNRDist. Rupnagar, Punjab
3KART Kiratpur Sahib 17:2017:2212m128.249285mNRPataalpuri sahib, Punjab
4BARJ Bharatgarh 17:3317:34--1m137.234281mNRNational Highway 21, Punjab
5GANL Ghanauli 17:5117:5312m146.748290mNRGhanauli, Punjab
6RPAR Rupnagar 18:0418:0511m155.659277mNRRopar, Punjab
7MNPR Mianpur 18:1318:15--2m163.525286mNRMianpur, Punjab
8KRLI Kurali 18:3618:3711m172.338299mNRKurali, Punjab
9MRND Morinda Junction 18:5018:51--1m180.530285mNRMorinda, Punjab
10NMDA New Morinda 18:5618:57--1m183.049279mNRMorinda Station, Punjab
11NGWN Noganwan 19:0419:05--1m188.745273mNRFatehgarh Sahib, Punjab
12BSPN Bassi Pathanan 19:1419:15--1m195.540274mNRDistrict Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab
13FGSB Fatehgarh Sahib 19:2219:2311m1100.231271mNRFatehgarh Sahib, Punjab
14SIR Sirhind Junction 19:3119:3332m1104.320269mNRSirhind, Punjab
15SDY Sadhoo Garh 19:5619:5711m1112.170270mNRFatehgarh Sahib, Punjab
16SBJ Sarai Banjara 20:0420:0521m1120.247271mNRFatehgarh Sahib, Punjab
17RPJ Rajpura Junction 20:1720:1831m1129.764272mNRNH-1., Punjab
18SMU Shambhu 20:2820:2911m1140.444274mNRNH-1, Punjab
19UBC Ambala City 20:4220:4321m1150.021272mNRNH-1 Ambala, Haryana
20UMB Ambala Cantt. Junction 21:0561157.7-276mNRAmbala 133001, Haryana

Alternate Trains of Nangaldam Ambala MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
14554Himachal Express SMTWTFS
12058Una-New Delhi Janshatabdi Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Nangal Dam to Ambala Cantt. Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
14553Himachal Express SMTWTFS
12057New Delhi-Una Janshatabdi Express SMTWTFS
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Nangaldam Ambala MEMU

Train From Nangal to Ambala

Nangaldam Ambala MEMU Train Number 64518 runs in Nangal to Ambala Route. Above is the complete details about 64518 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Nangaldam Ambala MEMU Stations, Nangaldam Ambala MEMU platform number, Nangaldam Ambala MEMU train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.