Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU Train No 64593

This article contains information about Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU train route, Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU train time table, Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU train schedule, Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU coach position, 64593 train route, 64593 train time table, 64593 train schedule, 64593 coach position, 64593 Stations, 64593 platform number, 64593 train platform. Also you will know train route from Fatehpur to Kanpur, train schedule from Fatehpur to Kanpur, train time table from Fatehpur to Kanpur.


Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU

Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU Train Number 64593 from Fatehpur to Kanpur Central is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in NCR/North Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 11 halts. 11 intermediate Stations between Fatehpur and Kanpur Central Covering a total distance of 78 km in 2h 5m time. The Departure time of Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU from Fatehpur is 07:20 and arrival time at Kanpur Central is 09:25 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Fatehpur station and Platform Number 6 at Kanpur Central.

Schedule of Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU

From: FTP Fatehpur
To: CNB Kanpur Central
Departs @ 07:20
Arrive @ 09:25
Platform 1
Platform 6
Type: MEMU
Zone:NCR/North Central
Travel Time: 2h 5m
11 halts
Distance: 78 km
Avg Speed: 37 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1FTP Fatehpur 07:20110.060118mNCRFatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
2KKS Kurasti Kalan 07:2707:2811m17.068119mNCRJoniha Rd, Uttar Pradesh
3MWH Malwan 07:3607:37--1m116.154122mNCRFatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
4KSQ Kanspur Gugauli 07:4507:46--1m123.353124mNCRNational Highway 2, Uttar Pradesh
5BKO Bindki Road 07:5507:56--1m131.351124mNCRFatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
6AUNG Aung 08:0308:04--1m137.248123mNCRNational Highway 2, Uttar Pradesh
7KBN Karbigwan 08:1208:13--1m143.653120mNCRFatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
8PMPR Prempur 08:1908:20--1m148.953125mNCRNational Highway 2, Uttar Pradesh
9SSL Sirsaul 08:2708:2811m155.050125mNCRKANPUR-209 402, Uttar Pradesh
10RXM Rooma 08:3608:37--1m161.746125mNCRKANPUR-208 008, Uttar Pradesh
11CHK Chakeri 08:4308:44--1m166.246127mNCRKANPUR-208 008, Uttar Pradesh
12CNBI Chandari 08:5308:5411m173.19127mNCRKanpur Cantt, Uttar Pradesh
13CNB Kanpur Central 09:256177.6-129mNCRKANPUR-208 001, Uttar Pradesh

Alternate Trains of Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12403Allahabad - Jaipur SF Express SMTWTFS
15004Chauri Chaura Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Fatehpur to Kanpur Central

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12404Jaipur - Allahabad SF Express SMTWTFS
15003Chauri Chaura Express SMTWTFS
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU

Train From Fatehpur to Kanpur

Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU Train Number 64593 runs in Fatehpur to Kanpur Route. Above is the complete details about 64593 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU Stations, Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU platform number, Fatehpur - Kanpur MEMU train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.