Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU Train No 77258

This article contains information about Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU train route, Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU train time table, Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU train schedule, Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU coach position, 77258 train route, 77258 train time table, 77258 train schedule, 77258 coach position, 77258 Stations, 77258 platform number, 77258 train platform. Also you will know train route from Peddapalli to Lingampet, train schedule from Peddapalli to Lingampet, train time table from Peddapalli to Lingampet.


Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU

Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU Train Number 77258 from Peddapalli Junction to Lingampet - Jagityal is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 6 halts. 6 intermediate Stations between Peddapalli Junction and Lingampet - Jagityal Covering a total distance of 83 km in 3h 0m time. The Departure time of Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU from Peddapalli Junction is 19:40 and arrival time at Lingampet - Jagityal is 22:40 . It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Peddapalli Junction station and Platform Number -- at Lingampet - Jagityal.

Schedule of Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU

From: PDPL Peddapalli Junction
To: LPJL Lingampet - Jagityal
Departs @ 19:40
Arrive @ 22:40
Platform 1
Platform --
Type: DEMU
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 3h 0m
6 halts
Distance: 83 km
Avg Speed: 28 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1PDPL Peddapalli Junction 19:40110.054230mSCRPeddapalli Dist., Telangana
2STBD Sultanabad 19:5419:55--1m112.640240mSCRPeddapalli Dist., Telangana
3KRMR Karimnagar 20:2920:30--1m135.027277mSCRKarimnagar, Telangana
4KPHI Kothapalli 20:4920:5011m143.627296mSCRKarimnagar Dist., Telangana
5GDRA Gangadhara 21:1921:2011m156.618360mSCRKarimnagar Dist., Telangana
6PUDR Podur 21:3921:4011m162.526377mSCRKarimnagar Dist., Telangana
7NPML Mallial Nukapalli 22:0422:0511m172.817343mSCRKarimnagar Dist., Telangana
8LPJL Lingampet - Jagityal 22:40--182.9-293mSCRJagtial Dist., Telangana

Alternate Trains of Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
No Data
Total Alternet Trains: 0

Return Train from Peddapalli Junction to Lingampet - Jagityal

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
77257Jagityal Lingampet - Peddapalli DMU xxTxxFx
Total Return Trains: 1

Coach Postion of Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU

Train From Peddapalli to Lingampet

Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU Train Number 77258 runs in Peddapalli to Lingampet Route. Above is the complete details about 77258 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU Stations, Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU platform number, Peddapalli - Jagityal Lingampet DMU train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.