Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special Train No 07305

This article contains information about Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special train route, Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special train time table, Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special train schedule, Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special coach position, 07305 train route, 07305 train time table, 07305 train schedule, 07305 coach position, 07305 Stations, 07305 platform number, 07305 train platform. Also you will know train route from Lingampalli to Secunderabad, train schedule from Lingampalli to Secunderabad, train time table from Lingampalli to Secunderabad.


Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special

Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special Train Number 07305 from Lingampalli to Secunderabad Junction is a Hyderabad Suburban train belonging to Indian Railways in SCR/South Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 10 halts. 12 intermediate Stations between Lingampalli and Secunderabad Junction Covering a total distance of 23 km in 0h 50m time. The Departure time of Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special from Lingampalli is 14:20 and arrival time at Secunderabad Junction is 15:10. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Lingampalli station and Platform Number -- at Secunderabad Junction.

Schedule of Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special

From: LPI Lingampalli
To: SC Secunderabad Junction
Departs @ 14:20
Arrive @ 15:10
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Hyderabad Suburban
Zone:SCR/South Central
Travel Time: 0h 50m
10 halts
Distance: 23 km
Avg Speed: 28 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1LPI Lingampalli 14:20--10.036561mSCRTel: 040-23010651, Telangana
2CDNR Chandanagar 14:2314:24--1m11.852572mSCRHyderabad, Telangana
3HFZ Hafizpet 14:2814:29--1m15.288590mSCRHyderabad, Telangana
4HTCY Hi-Tech City 14:3114:32--1m18.2-569mSCRKPHB 4th Phase. Hyderabad.500072, Telangana
5BRBD Borabanda 14:3314:34--1m111.1140559mSCRTel: 040-20006066, Telangana
6BTNR Bharat Nagar 14:3514:36--1m113.477548mSCRHyderabad, Telangana
7FNB Fatehnagar 14:3814:39--1m116.069542mSCRHyderabad, Telangana
8NCHS Nature Cure Hospital 14:4014:41--1m117.166533mSCRTel:040-23757138, Telangana
9BMT Begumpet 14:4214:43--1m118.231529mSCRTel: 040-27765898, Telangana
10SJVP Sanjivaiah Park 14:4714:48--1m120.323523mSCRTel: 040-20074409, Telangana
11JET James Street 14:5114:52--1m121.46522mSCRSecunderabad, Telangana
12SC Secunderabad Junction 15:10--123.1-539mSCRSecunderabad 500003, Telangana

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Lingampalli to Secunderabad Junction

Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Lingampalli to Secunderabad

Lingampalli - Secunderabad MMTS Special Train Number 07305 runs in Lingampalli to Secunderabad Route. Above is the complete details about 07305 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.