Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special Train No 08931

This article contains information about Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special train route, Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special train time table, Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special train schedule, Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special coach position, 08931 train route, 08931 train time table, 08931 train schedule, 08931 coach position, 08931 Stations, 08931 platform number, 08931 train platform. Also you will know train route from Cuttack to Puri, train schedule from Cuttack to Puri, train time table from Cuttack to Puri.


Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special

Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special Train Number 08931 from Cuttack Junction to Puri is a Mail/Express train belonging to Indian Railways in ECoR/East Coast Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 14 halts. 22 intermediate Stations between Cuttack Junction and Puri Covering a total distance of 91 km in 3h 15m time. The Departure time of Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special from Cuttack Junction is 07:15 and arrival time at Puri is 10:30. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Cuttack Junction station and Platform Number -- at Puri.

Schedule of Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special

From: CTC Cuttack Junction
To: PURI Puri
Departs @ 07:15
Arrive @ 10:30
Platform --
Platform --
Type: Mail/Express
Zone:ECoR/East Coast
Travel Time: 3h 15m
14 halts
Distance: 91 km
Avg Speed: 28 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CTC Cuttack Junction 07:15--10.01928mECoRDist - Cuttack 753003, Odisha
2GBK Gopalpur Balkuda 07:2907:30--1m14.44127mECoRGopalpur Balikuda, Odisha
3BRAG Barang 07:4107:43--2m111.94729mECoRDist - Cuttack, Odisha
4PTAB Patia P.H. 07:5107:52--1m118.13630mECoRBhubaneshwar, Odisha
5MCS Mancheswar 07:5707:59--2m121.12629mECoRDist - Khordha 751017, Odisha
6BBS Bhubaneswar 08:1508:20--5m127.95440mECoRBhubaneshwar, Odisha
7LGTR Lingaraj Temple Road 08:2508:26--1m132.44728mECoRBhubaneswar, Odisha
8RTN Retang 08:3508:37--2m139.52519mECoRKhurdha, Odisha
9KUR Khurda Road Junction 08:5509:00--5m146.932 ECoRDist - Khordha 752050, Odisha
10MWQ Motari Halt 09:1509:17--2m154.843 ECoRDist - Puri 752015, Odisha
11KASR Kanas Road 09:2209:23--1m158.436 ECoRKhordha, Odisha
12DEG Delang 09:2909:31--2m162.029 ECoRKhordha, Odisha
13BRST Bir Purushottampur 09:4509:47--2m168.7111 ECoRSatasankha, Odisha
14SIL Sakhi Gopal 09:5009:52--2m174.324 ECoRDist - Puri 752014, Odisha
15MLT Malatipatpur 10:1510:17--2m183.334 ECoRDist - Puri, Odisha
16PURI Puri 10:30--190.7- ECoRPuri, Odisha

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18450Puri Baidyanathdham Express xxxWxxx
12145Mumbai LTT - Puri SuperFast Express Sxxxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Cuttack Junction to Puri

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18449Puri Baidyanathdham Express xMxxxxx
12146Puri - Mumbai LTT SF Express xxTxxxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Cuttack to Puri

Cuttack - Puri Rath Yatra Special Train Number 08931 runs in Cuttack to Puri Route. Above is the complete details about 08931 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.