Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle Train No AMP1

This article contains information about Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle train route, Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle train time table, Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle train schedule, Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle coach position, AMP1 train route, AMP1 train time table, AMP1 train schedule, AMP1 coach position, AMP1 Stations, AMP1 platform number, AMP1 train platform. Also you will know train route from Agra to Palwal, train schedule from Agra to Palwal, train time table from Agra to Palwal.


Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle

Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle Train Number AMP1 from Agra Cantt. to Palwal is a EMU - Delhi train belonging to Indian Railways in OTHER/other Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 16 halts. 17 intermediate Stations between Agra Cantt. and Palwal Covering a total distance of 138 km in 2h 45m time. The Departure time of Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle from Agra Cantt. is 16:15 and arrival time at Palwal is 19:00. It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Agra Cantt. station and Platform Number -- at Palwal.

Schedule of Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle

From: AGC Agra Cantt.
To: PWL Palwal
Departs @ 16:15
Arrive @ 19:00
Platform --
Platform --
Type: EMU - Delhi
Travel Time: 2h 45m
16 halts
Distance: 138 km
Avg Speed: 50 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1AGC Agra Cantt. 16:15--10.030173mNCRAgra, Uttar Pradesh
2RKM Raja Ki Mandi 16:2316:24--1m14.019171mNCRAgra, Uttar Pradesh
3BFP Bilochpura Agra 16:2916:30--1m15.668172mNCRAgra, Uttar Pradesh
4RNKA Runkuta 16:3816:39--1m114.667173mNCRAGRA, Uttar Pradesh
5KXM Kitham 16:4716:48--1m123.679175mNCRKitham, Uttar Pradesh
6FHT Farah Town 16:5516:56--1m132.834172mNCRFarah, Uttar Pradesh
7FAR Farah 17:0017:01--1m135.165179mNCRFarah, Uttar Pradesh
8BAD Baad 17:0917:10--1m143.846183mNCRBaad, Uttar Pradesh
9MTJ Mathura Junction 17:2317:25--2m153.841182mNCRMathura, Uttar Pradesh
10BTSR Bhuteshwar 17:2917:30--1m156.564181mNCRMathura, Uttar Pradesh
11VRBD Vrindaban Road 17:3717:38--1m164.073180mNCRVrindaban, Uttar Pradesh
12AJH Ajhai 17:4717:48--1m174.975186mNCRAjhai, Uttar Pradesh
13CHJ Chata 17:5617:57--1m185.068187mNCRChhata, Uttar Pradesh
14KSV Kosi Kalan 18:0618:08--2m195.282189mNCRKosi Kalan, Uttar Pradesh
15HDL Hodal 18:1718:18--1m1107.652190mNCRFaridabad, Haryana
16SHLK Sholaka 18:3018:31--1m1117.952194mNCRFaridabad, Haryana
17RDE Rundhi 18:4318:44--1m1128.435194mNCRRundhi, Haryana
18PWL Palwal 19:00--1137.7-199mNRPalwal, Haryana

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11057Mumbai CST - Amritsar (Pathankot) Express SMTWTFS
18237Chhattisgarh Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Agra Cantt. to Palwal

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18238Chhattisgarh Express SMTWTFS
11058Amritsar - Mumbai CST (Pathankot) Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Agra to Palwal

Agra Mathura Palwal MEMU Shuttle Train Number AMP1 runs in Agra to Palwal Route. Above is the complete details about AMP1 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.