Howrah-Singur Andolan Local Train No 37395

This article contains information about Howrah-Singur Andolan Local train route, Howrah-Singur Andolan Local train time table, Howrah-Singur Andolan Local train schedule, Howrah-Singur Andolan Local coach position, 37395 train route, 37395 train time table, 37395 train schedule, 37395 coach position, 37395 Stations, 37395 platform number, 37395 train platform. Also you will know train route from Howrah to Singur, train schedule from Howrah to Singur, train time table from Howrah to Singur.


Howrah-Singur Andolan Local

Howrah-Singur Andolan Local Train Number 37395 from Howrah Junction to Singur is a EMU - Kolkata train belonging to Indian Railways in ER/Eastern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 11 halts. 14 intermediate Stations between Howrah Junction and Singur Covering a total distance of 33 km in 1h 2m time. The Departure time of Howrah-Singur Andolan Local from Howrah Junction is 19:15 and arrival time at Singur is 20:17 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Howrah Junction station and Platform Number -- at Singur.

Schedule of Howrah-Singur Andolan Local

From: HWH Howrah Junction
To: SIU Singur
Departs @ 19:15
Arrive @ 20:17
Platform --
Platform --
Type: EMU - Kolkata
Travel Time: 1h 2m
11 halts
Distance: 33 km
Avg Speed: 32 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Howrah-Singur Andolan Local

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1HWH Howrah Junction 19:15--10.04010mERHowrah 711101, West Bengal
2LLH Liluah 19:2219:23--1m14.7509mERHowrah, West Bengal
3BEQ Belur 19:2519:26--1m16.3618mERHowrah, West Bengal
4BLY Bally 19:2819:29--1m18.4278mERDist - Howrah, West Bengal
5UPA Uttarpara 19:3219:33--1m19.71089mERDist - Hooghly, West Bengal
6HMZ Hind Motor 19:3419:35--1m111.5559mERHindmotor, West Bengal
7KOG Konnagar 19:3719:38--1m113.3889mERDist - Hooghly, West Bengal
8RIS Rishra 19:4019:41--1m116.23211mERDist - Hooghly, West Bengal
9SRP Shrirampur (Serampore) 19:4719:48--1m119.51511mERHooghly Pin:- 712201, West Bengal
10SHE Seoraphuli Junction 19:5820:00--2m122.05713mERBaidyabati, West Bengal
11DEA Diara 20:0620:07--1m127.76114mERState Highway 2, West Bengal
12NSF Nasibpur 20:0920:10--1m129.73114mERState Highway 2, West Bengal
13SIU Singur 20:17--133.3-16mERSingur, West Bengal

Alternate Trains of Howrah-Singur Andolan Local

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
37365Howrah - Goghat Local SMTWTFS
37367Howrah - Arambagh Local SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Howrah Junction to Singur

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
37366Tarakeswar - Howrah Local SMTWTFS
37368Arambagh - Howrah Local SMTWTFS
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Howrah-Singur Andolan Local

Train From Howrah to Singur

Howrah-Singur Andolan Local Train Number 37395 runs in Howrah to Singur Route. Above is the complete details about 37395 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Howrah-Singur Andolan Local Stations, Howrah-Singur Andolan Local platform number, Howrah-Singur Andolan Local train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.