Gondia Nagpur MEMU Train No 68713

This article contains information about Gondia Nagpur MEMU train route, Gondia Nagpur MEMU train time table, Gondia Nagpur MEMU train schedule, Gondia Nagpur MEMU coach position, 68713 train route, 68713 train time table, 68713 train schedule, 68713 coach position, 68713 Stations, 68713 platform number, 68713 train platform. Also you will know train route from Gondia to Itwari, train schedule from Gondia to Itwari, train time table from Gondia to Itwari.


Gondia Nagpur MEMU

Gondia Nagpur MEMU Train Number 68713 from Gondia Junction to Itwari Junction is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SECR/South East Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 15 halts. 15 intermediate Stations between Gondia Junction and Itwari Junction Covering a total distance of 126 km in 2h 40m time. The Departure time of Gondia Nagpur MEMU from Gondia Junction is 06:45 and arrival time at Itwari Junction is 09:25 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Gondia Junction station and Platform Number -- at Itwari Junction.

Schedule of Gondia Nagpur MEMU

From: G Gondia Junction
To: ITR Itwari Junction
Departs @ 06:45
Arrive @ 09:25
Platform --
Platform --
Type: MEMU
Zone:SECR/South East Central
Travel Time: 2h 40m
15 halts
Distance: 126 km
Avg Speed: 47 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Gondia Nagpur MEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1G Gondia Junction 06:45--10.079319mSECRGondia 441601, Maharashtra
2GJ Gangajhari 06:5606:57--1m114.583316mSECRGondia District, Maharashtra
3KWN Kachewani 07:0307:04--1m122.869304mSECRKachewani Gondia District, Maharashtra
4TRO Tirora 07:1007:12--2m129.675282mSECRDist Gondia, Maharashtra
5MNU Mundikota 07:2007:21--1m139.676267mSECRBhandara, Maharashtra
6TMR Tumsar Road Junction 07:2907:31--2m149.788266mSECRDistt. Bhandara, Maharashtra
7KOKA Koka 07:3807:39--1m159.968259mSECRBhandara, Maharashtra
8BRD Bhandara Road 07:4607:48--2m167.975265mSECRState Highway 252 Bhandara District, Maharashtra
9KHAT Khat 07:5607:57--1m177.877286mSECRNagpur, Maharashtra
10RRL Rewral 08:0408:05--1m186.884293mSECRNagpur Distt, Maharashtra
11TAR Tharsa 08:0908:11--2m192.476292mSECRNagpur, Maharashtra
12CHCR Chacher 08:1608:17--1m198.879284mSECRNagpur, Maharashtra
13SAL Salwa 08:2208:23--1m1105.351288mSECRNagpur, Maharashtra
14KNHN Kanhan Junction 08:3008:32--2m1111.344286mSECRDistt Nagpur, Maharashtra
15KP Kamptee 08:3808:40--2m1115.736289mSECRKamptee, Maharashtra
16KAV Kalamna 08:5308:55--2m1123.45297mSECRNagpur, Maharashtra
17ITR Itwari Junction 09:25--1126.1-304mSECRNagpur, Maharashtra

Alternate Trains of Gondia Nagpur MEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
11040Maharashtra Express SMTWTFS
18239Shivnath Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Gondia Junction to Itwari Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
18029Mumbai LTT - Shalimar [Kurla] Express SMTWTFS
11039Maharashtra Express SMTWTFS
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Gondia Nagpur MEMU

Train From Gondia to Itwari

Gondia Nagpur MEMU Train Number 68713 runs in Gondia to Itwari Route. Above is the complete details about 68713 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Gondia Nagpur MEMU Stations, Gondia Nagpur MEMU platform number, Gondia Nagpur MEMU train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.