Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU Train No 79437

This article contains information about Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU train route, Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU train time table, Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU train schedule, Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU coach position, 79437 train route, 79437 train time table, 79437 train schedule, 79437 coach position, 79437 Stations, 79437 platform number, 79437 train platform. Also you will know train route from Mahesana to Abu, train schedule from Mahesana to Abu, train time table from Mahesana to Abu.


Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU

Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU Train Number 79437 from Mahesana Junction to Abu Road is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in WR/Western Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 15 halts. 16 intermediate Stations between Mahesana Junction and Abu Road Covering a total distance of 117 km in 3h 10m time. The Departure time of Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU from Mahesana Junction is 17:20 and arrival time at Abu Road is 20:30 . It usually comes on Platform Number -- at Mahesana Junction station and Platform Number 3 at Abu Road.

Schedule of Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU

From: MSH Mahesana Junction
To: ABR Abu Road
Departs @ 17:20
Arrive @ 20:30
Platform --
Platform 3
Type: DEMU
Travel Time: 3h 10m
15 halts
Distance: 117 km
Avg Speed: 37 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1MSH Mahesana Junction 17:20--10.06794mWRMehsana, Gujarat
2BHU Bhandu Motidau 17:2917:3011m110.07097mWRMahesana, Gujarat
3UJA Unjha 17:4017:42--2m121.755115mWRUnjha, Gujarat
4KMLI Kamli 17:5017:5111m129.154126mWRChhapi, Gujarat
5SID Siddhpur 17:5818:00--2m135.456135mWRState Highway 41, Gujarat
6DRW Dharewada 18:0618:0812m141.057146mWRUnjha, Gujarat
7CHP Chhapi 18:1618:18--2m148.658168mWRBanaskantha, Gujarat
8UM Umardashi 18:2618:2812m156.423187mWRChitrasani, Gujarat
9PNU Palanpur Junction 18:5018:52--2m164.852217mWRPalanpur, Gujarat
10KRJD Karjoda 18:5919:0011m170.946234mNWRPIN - 385001, Gujarat
11CTT Chitrasani 19:0719:0811m176.344227mNWR385010, Gujarat
12JTY Jethi 19:1419:1511m180.753212mNWR385135, Gujarat
13IQG Iqbal Gadh 19:2219:2412m186.835209mNWR385135, Gujarat
14SZA Sarotra Road 19:3719:3811m194.346216mNWRPIN - 385135, Gujarat
15SIM Shri Amirgadh 19:4519:4611m199.763229mNWRAmirgadh, Gujarat
16MAA Maval 19:5419:5511m1108.116245mNWR307026, Rajasthan
17ABR Abu Road 20:3031117.4-264mNWRSirohi Dist, Rajasthan

Alternate Trains of Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
12989Dadar - Ajmer SF Express xMxxTxS
14312Ala Hazrat Express (via Ahmedabad) xMTxTxx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Mahesana Junction to Abu Road

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
19224Jammu Tawi - Ahmedabad Express SMTWTFS
12990Ajmer - Dadar SF Express SxxWxFx
Total Return Trains: 2

Coach Postion of Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU

Train From Mahesana to Abu

Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU Train Number 79437 runs in Mahesana to Abu Route. Above is the complete details about 79437 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table. Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU Stations, Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU platform number, Mahesana - Abu Road DEMU train platform, train route map, train route information, train route status, train route and time, train stops.