Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger Train No 66032

This article contains information about Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger train route, Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger train time table, Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger train schedule, Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger coach position, 66032 train route, 66032 train time table, 66032 train schedule, 66032 coach position, 66032 Stations, 66032 platform number, 66032 train platform. Also you will know train route from Nellore to Sullurupeta, train schedule from Nellore to Sullurupeta, train time table from Nellore to Sullurupeta.


Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger

Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger Train Number 66032 from Nellore to Sullurupeta is a MEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in SR/Southern Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 10 halts. 11 intermediate Stations between Nellore and Sullurupeta Covering a total distance of 94 km in 1h 50m time. The Departure time of Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger from Nellore is 17:50 and arrival time at Sullurupeta is 19:40 . It usually comes on Platform Number 4 at Nellore station and Platform Number 2 at Sullurupeta.

Schedule of Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger

From: NLR Nellore
To: SPE Sullurupeta
Departs @ 17:50
Arrive @ 19:40
Platform 4
Platform 2
Type: MEMU
Travel Time: 1h 50m
10 halts
Distance: 94 km
Avg Speed: 51 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1NLR Nellore 17:50410.03821mSCRSPSR Disdtrict, Andhra Pradesh
2NLS Nellore South 17:5317:5421m11.96422mSCRNellore, Andhra Pradesh
3VDE Vedayapalem 17:5918:0021m17.37027mSCRNellore, Andhra Pradesh
4VKT Venkatachalam 18:0818:0931m116.57426mSCR524320., Andhra Pradesh
5MBL Manubolu 18:1918:2031m128.93622mSCRManubolu Railway Station, Andhra Pradesh
6GDR Gudur Junction 18:3618:3711m138.54718mSCRSPSR District, Andhra Pradesh
7ODUR Odur 18:4818:4911m147.27234mSROduru, Andhra Pradesh
8PYA Pedapariya 18:5418:5531m153.27942mSRPedapariya, Andhra Pradesh
9NYP Nayadupeta 19:0519:0621m166.37633mSRNayudupeta, Andhra Pradesh
10DVR Doravari Chatram 19:1519:1611m177.86531mSRNelapattu, Andhra Pradesh
11PEL Polireddipalem 19:2319:2411m185.33113mSR, Andhra Pradesh
12SPE Sullurupeta 19:402193.6-9mSRSPSR District, Andhra Pradesh

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
13351Dhanbad - Alappuzha Express SMTWTFS
16032Andaman Express xxTxxFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Nellore to Sullurupeta

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
16031Andaman Express SxxWTxx
12829Chennai - Bhubaneswar SF Express xxxxxFx
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Nellore to Sullurupeta

Nellore - Sullurupeta Passenger Train Number 66032 runs in Nellore to Sullurupeta Route. Above is the complete details about 66032 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.