Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU Train No 75202

This article contains information about Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU train route, Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU train time table, Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU train schedule, Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU coach position, 75202 train route, 75202 train time table, 75202 train schedule, 75202 coach position, 75202 Stations, 75202 platform number, 75202 train platform. Also you will know train route from Chhapra to Sonpur, train schedule from Chhapra to Sonpur, train time table from Chhapra to Sonpur.


Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU

Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU Train Number 75202 from Chhapra Junction to Sonpur Junction is a DEMU train belonging to Indian Railways in ECR/East Central Zone. It has started services from NA. It has 10 halts. 12 intermediate Stations between Chhapra Junction and Sonpur Junction Covering a total distance of 54 km in 2h 5m time. The Departure time of Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU from Chhapra Junction is 09:25 and arrival time at Sonpur Junction is 11:30 . It usually comes on Platform Number 5 at Chhapra Junction station and Platform Number 1 at Sonpur Junction.

Schedule of Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU

From: CPR Chhapra Junction
To: SEE Sonpur Junction
Departs @ 09:25
Arrive @ 11:30
Platform 5
Platform 1
Type: DEMU
Zone:ECR/East Central
Travel Time: 2h 5m
10 halts
Distance: 54 km
Avg Speed: 26 km/hr
Peak Speed: NA
From: NA
To: NA

Train Route of Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU

#CodeStation NameArrivesDepartsPFHaltDay#KmSpeedElevZoneAddress
1CPR Chhapra Junction 09:25510.04258mNERDistt: Saran, Bihar
2CI Chhapra Kacheri 09:2809:3022m12.13258mNERSaran, Bihar
3GJH Goldinganj 09:4709:4821m111.24758mECRChapra Patna Highway, Bihar
4DRI Dumri Juara 09:5409:5521m115.94257mECRPin: 841211, Bihar
5BAGL Baragopal 10:0110:0221m120.14256mECRSaran, Bihar
6PPDA Panchpatia Deoria Halt 10:0610:0711m122.83257mECRNH 19, Bihar
7ATNR Awatarnagar 10:1110:1221m125.01757mECRSaran, Bihar
8DGA Dighwara 10:3210:3321m130.62459mECRSaran, Bihar
9STLR Sitalpur 10:4410:4521m135.13557mECRSitalpur, Bihar
10NYO Nayagaon 10:5810:5921m142.72156mECRNayagaon Sarai, Bihar
11PMU Parmanandpur 11:1211:1321m147.32456mECRParmanandpur, Bihar
12SEE Sonpur Junction 11:301154.2-56mECRSaran, Bihar

Coach Postion (Rake)

Alternet Trains of Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
15708Amrapali Express SMTWTFS
15910Avadh Assam Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Return Train from Chhapra Junction to Sonpur Junction

Train#Train NameSMTWTFS
15707Amrapali Express SMTWTFS
15909Avadh Assam Express SMTWTFS
Total Alternet Trains: 2

Train From Chhapra to Sonpur

Chhapra - Sonpur DEMU Train Number 75202 runs in Chhapra to Sonpur Route. Above is the complete details about 75202 Arrival Departure Timing, Schedule, Route, Status and Time Table.